NuGet Library

Version 22.3.1


Smart Name


OTP Login

General Info

1. Object with property IsDefault with value true cannot be modified
2. Guid should be in lowercase without any symbols and length should be 32


Names will be converted using SmartName function when used in objects to avoid duplication. SmartName converts text into lowercase and removes all spaces. For example "Service Charge @ TUT" and "ServiceCharge TUT" are same. Both are converted to "servicechargetut" to avoid duplication.


1. Every object contains Id, Guid and Name. Some objects contain Code in addition. Id will be either in the name of Id or sometimes Id will be like AccontId, TransId etc.
2. Id will be auto generated.
3. Guid can be set while creating object. If it is not set Guid will be auto generated.
4. Guid should be in lowercase without any symbols and length should be 32.


OrderDate and Status is required to create order. Status can be get from Master function with Type OrderStatus. OrderNum created from backend. OrderNum, OrderDate cannot be editable in update.
Paymentmode can get from Master function with Type OrderPaymentMode.
Product details are multi entry. Product can select from Master with Type Product or can type Customer Product Name. If Product choose from Master, then send value in ProductName field else if given as custom means send value in CustomProductName.
Use CS4.OneData.Model for contact Model then map that in Pickup and Delivery Contact feilds. AppId and DomainId will pass from DI. In Update give contact details with ContactId without fail.
Follow Up can be added with attachments. FollowUp and Attachment can view as different reports.


More than one shipment can add for single order.
ShipmentDate and Status is required to create order. Status can be get from Master function with Type ShipmentStatus. ShipmentNum created from backend. ShipmentNum, ShipmentDate cannot be editable in update. HubName can be get from Master function with Type HubName .
Paymentmode can get from Master function with Type OrderPaymentMode.
Product will choose from Order multi entry, OrderItemId is enough to add shipment item entry. We save ShipmentId against OrderItem table from DI.
Follow up can be added and view as report.
Contact details same as Order.
If all OrderItem Added under Shipment means Order will automatically Closed.

Shipment Logistics

More than one Logistics can add for single Shipment.
Logistics can added with Pick up and Delivery Address, Carrier(Master) and Status(Master).
Status can be get from Master function with Type ShipmentLogisticsStatus. Carrier can be get from Master function with Type Carrier.
Log can added for Shipment Logistics.

OTP Login

Added SendOtp and VerifyOtp function
SendOtp Mobile Number(Only 10 digits),Client Ip(public) and Session Id mandatory
VerifyOtp Otp ,Client Ip(public) mandatory